At Springwood Junior Academy we are committed to providing a high-quality Art and Design education that engages, inspires and challenges pupils, equipping them with the knowledge, skills and creative resilience to not only create their own works of art, but to appreciate how Art and Design both reflect and shape our history and enrich our lives.
Throughout the academy, our Art and Design curriculum has been devised to expose all pupils to a rich and diverse range of artists, craft-makers and designers influencing opportunities to develop their own artistic range of skills as they move from EYFS through to Year 6.
Through high quality teaching, we aim to ignite a deeper understanding and passion for Art and Design and foster a resilience in our pupils to experiment with their creativity, develop originality, independence, self-reflection and subsequent ownership of their purposeful creations. We endeavour to provide learning opportunities where pupils’ acquired knowledge, skills and achievements remain with them as lifelong learners.
Essential Skill Progression
The pupils’ journey will start in Foundation Stage through the 'Expressive Arts and Design' strand of the EYFS curriculum. Here they begin to explore a variety of materials, tools and techniques, experimenting with colour, design, texture, form and function. The pupils will be encouraged to communicate effectively when they share their creations and explain the processes that they have used. Materials will be accessible daily (through continuous provision) allowing the pupils to develop and explore their ideas and to be imaginative and expressive.

Pupils will be taught a wide range of Art and Design skills and techniques that they will continue to develop throughout their time at the academy. They will explore different techniques to create colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and space. The pupils will be given opportunities to use a range of materials creatively to design and make products through drawing, painting and sculpture. Art and Design will be taught in discrete Art and Design lessons and through artist studies (see below) but also as part of English and wider curriculum lessons. Pupils will begin to use a sketchbook to practise skills and begin to develop ideas for final creations.
During Key Stage 2, pupils will build on the knowledge and skills that they have gained in Key Stage 1. The pupils will develop and improve their skills in drawing, painting and sculpture using a range of different materials. They will also use a sketch book to explore and record their own ideas and experiences, and to review and revisit ideas. As in Key Stage 1, Art and Design will be taught in discrete Art and Design lessons and through artist studies (see below) but also as part of English and wider curriculum lessons.
Artist Study
A minimum of twice a year, pupils will study one artist in detail. This artist will link to the history, geography or science learning of their year group. The pupils will learn about the life and career of the artist; study the artist’s work, explore the materials and techniques used by the artist and create their own piece of artwork inspired by the artist. Pupils will learn to critique both their own work and the work of others, and to describe similarities and differences between the different practices and disciplines that they have studied. The key knowledge, skills and vocabulary of each study builds progressively across each year group, therefore allowing pupils to build on prior learning and make links across studies.
At Springwood, there is currently a strong emphasis placed on drawing / sketching and painting skills as these are the key areas in which our pupils need to develop their skills. As a result, each year group delivers 2 focused drawing and 2 focused painting projects throughout the year to build on and develop the skills in these priority areas. Where additional support / scaffolds are required, these are implemented as part of the quality first teaching expectations in each lesson.
Across all key stages, when possible, Art lessons are based on current topics. This allows the pupils to make links between their learning and transfer skills they have developed in other subjects. Sometimes, books that inspire pupils’ love of reading are used as a hook for creative work and to develop the vocabulary our pupils use when explaining their creative choices.
Please click here to see SJA Artist Study Overview
- Pupils will become proficient in drawing, painting, sculpture and other art, craft and design techniques.
- Pupils will evaluate and analyse creative works using the language of art, craft and design.
- Pupils will know about great artists, craft makers and designers, and understand the historical and cultural development of their art forms.
- Pupils will produce creative work, exploring their ideas and recording their experience.
- Pupils will develop an enthusiasm and passion for Art and Design.
The impact of our Art and Design curriculum will be seen not only in our pupils’ topic books/sketch books but also through classroom displays and the school environment.
Supporting documents
Please click here to download the National Curriculum Art & Design Programmes of Study
Useful Websites
- An Eye For Art – explore the work of 50 great artists
- BBC Bitesize – lessons to develop art and design skills and techniques
- Tate Kids – fun art and design activities, games and quizzes
If you have any questions about how art and design is taught within school or how to further support your child at home, please do not hesitate to contact Miss Davies (Art and Design Lead).