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Striving for





Mr Haden - Class Teacher


Contact Details


Welcome to our Year 5 class page!

In Year 5, we strive to be the very best we can be and meet our full potential. We enjoy a love for learning, apply ourselves fully to every opportunity and learning experience given to us and are not afraid to ‘have a go’. We provide a stimulating, positive and enthusiastic environment full of nurture and wonderful learning opportunities. Learning, both indoors and outdoors, follows the ACET Curriculum which is carefully designed around the goals of the national curriculum. In Year 5, we endeavour to help the children to become independent learners, responsible and caring individuals who aim high in life.  We take PRIDE in who we are, the way we learn and behave, and enjoy celebrating our successes and achievements with each other.


"Reading is the key that opens many doors in life"

This year, we are encouraging reading more than ever! As one of our 'Key Drivers' at Springwood, we are passionate to drive our pupils to be readers for life! Each week, we expect the children to read a minimum of four times with each home read earning the children 5 dojos!

Reading isn't just for reading comprehension, but we need to be able to access all subjects on the curriculum, such as history, music and science. Each pupil will have a book-banded book for their reading ability, and we encourage pupils to have a 'pleasure book' that isn't necessarily set for their reading ability, but is used for the pupils to read about anything they enjoy, such as sports, fantasy, comic books and magazines - any form of reading is reading! Please support your child with their reading as much as possible and log reads in their diaries. 


Spellings are produced through Spellings Shed. We give spellings out weekly, in preparation for our mini-spelling quiz on Tuesday. We encourage pupils to practise their spellings in school time, when they've completed morning work or once returning in from lunchtime, but the more they practise at home, the more likelihood the children will start to use them in their own writing. Spellings are tailored for pupil needs. Children often share their scores with friends and staff, showing how proud they are of their achievements! Below is a list of Year 5/6 Statutory Spellings we encourage pupils to use in their writing as often as possible. 

Class 3 Spellings | The Howard Primary School

Class Dojo

Class Dojo is set up for parents to join, where messages can be sent back and forth. I will reply as and when available! Using Dojo to communicate with one another is vital as it gives us the opportunity to share your child's work, share upcoming events and notifications about their learning.


Further information

Physical Education - Wednesday afternoon. Please bring both indoor and outdoor kits in PE bags.

Please click to view our recommended Virtual Reading Library