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Striving for






At Springwood Junior Academy we recognise the hugely important factor that computing knowledge and fluency will play in pupils’ lives going forward and intend to equip them with the skills and understanding they need to be successful in the evolving digital world.


At Foundations@Springwood we introduce our pupils to technology in a variety of ways, including continuous provision and small group tasks. Through role play and creative activities, our children explore and discuss the purpose of various technological items, such as telephones, cameras, stereos, and tills.


In addition, we incorporate technology into our curriculum by providing opportunities for our pupils to use laptops to research and answer questions, engage with interactive whiteboards for online games, and utilize resources such as 'Beebots' to further develop their communication, teamwork, and problem-solving skills. We believe that introducing technology in a fun and interactive way not only enhances our pupils’ understanding of the world around them but also prepares them to access the Year 1 curriculum areas with greater confidence.


Using the Teach Computing Curriculum ( most of our learning involves use of commonly encountered software and hardware to develop the pupils' understanding of the key concepts of computer science and become safe, responsible, competent and confident users of ICT. The teaching involves a variety of modules which fit within 4 strands.

- Programming

- Data handling

- Computer systems and networks

- Creating media


These are taught and built upon each academic year to develop understanding and skills in line with age related expectations



You will likely be familiar with most of the software used in school with the exception of Scratch. Scratch is a child-friendly programming package which enables pupils to create, develop, debug and test a code to make a character perform and interact on screen. This is generally used throughout school to create simple computer games which develop understanding of sequence, selection, logic and algorithms. This software can be accessed online for free (


Through diligent teaching and learning all pupils will make good progress from their own starting points. They will develop a varied range of skills and knowledge that prepares them for the real world as well as allowing them readiness to access computing successfully in their next phase of education. Computing is assessed through both analogue and digital outcomes as well as pupil voice.